▶ Baby MineLT by lovesblues

▶ Baby MineLT by lovesblues.

A Pingback to "A Beautiful Life" with Reality Check

My Reply to A Beautiful Life A beautiful life.
Hi there,
I don’t mean to pee in your Cheerios but I just gotta say, yes, there is wisdom in this point of view, especially if it helps you get through some trauma. It isn’t very realistic though for people who are facing serious events like war torn villages in the Middle East, a woman being raped, a person being killed for not following a religion or participating in a Jihad… These and many other awful things DO happen to people every day. Putting on rose colored glasses, trying to see the beauty in ugly things, this creates apathy. In my opinion, It is dangerous to be apathetic.

Please do, try to find the beauty in the wonders of the world but please don’t pretend that you can blindfold yourself to the HARD, OVERWHELMING PAINFUL reality of evil that is present in our world and which we must fight to overcome.

God Bless and Keep You,
Leah (Lovesblues)

A Pingback to “A Beautiful Life” with Reality Check

My Reply to A Beautiful Life A beautiful life.
Hi there,
I don’t mean to pee in your Cheerios but I just gotta say, yes, there is wisdom in this point of view, especially if it helps you get through some trauma. It isn’t very realistic though for people who are facing serious events like war torn villages in the Middle East, a woman being raped, a person being killed for not following a religion or participating in a Jihad… These and many other awful things DO happen to people every day. Putting on rose colored glasses, trying to see the beauty in ugly things, this creates apathy. In my opinion, It is dangerous to be apathetic.

Please do, try to find the beauty in the wonders of the world but please don’t pretend that you can blindfold yourself to the HARD, OVERWHELMING PAINFUL reality of evil that is present in our world and which we must fight to overcome.

God Bless and Keep You,
Leah (Lovesblues)